Saturday, October 15, 2011

click... take a pic

We just went to Sear's to get Kennedy's 2 year old photos.  (I picked them up tonight and scanned them, so they aren't the best quality online, but cute in person)  Funny story.  While Kennedy was getting her pictures taken, Keely was in the back standing with Kevin and asked several times if she could get her pictures done too.  We kept telling her no. (because her hair wasn't done and she wasn't wearing anything cute)  Well finally we gave in and got a cute pic. of the two of them.  It is funny, at least to me, because when Keely got her 3 year old pictures done two months ago, I couldn't even get her to smile and she cried I left so frustrated with her.  So now we know the trick is to pretend that she isn't getting them and focus on Kennedy to get her comfortable in front of the camera.

1 comment:

The Jackson's said...

What adorable pictures!!! I swear we have the same taste in clothes for our girls...Em had that same dress!! Happy Birthday Kennedy!