Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rollie Pollie Keely

I finally got video of my little Rollie Pollie. Yesterday she rolled from her back to tummy and then back on to her back. Pretty impressive for her second day or rolling... They grow so fast!! (oh...and yes she has the hick-ups in this video...she always gets the hick-ups)


The Crazy Wyatt Fam said...

OH, that was so cute! I love how proud of herself she is!!

The Jackson's said...

Candis, I love how excited you are and then how excited she got!! I think I was probably the same way with Emily. I love how proud little Keely is!!

Suni said...

I LOVE her candy cane outfit!

The Jackson's said...

Candis, I need your mailing address!

Andrea said...

So cute! Isn't it fun to see all the milestones! You will love that you have it recorded.